Earth ‘Pole Star’ shift mandates Human Evacuation. Earth Shan will be moving upside down (non-inhabitable stage) to align Gaia/Urantia with North Pole star ‘Vega’ in the sky. There are many starships present on Earth sky that can be seen at night as blinkering red-blue-white-yellow lights and cloud ships during day. These starships are from our Local Universe & Super Universe Nebadon & Orvonton. They are from Galactic Federation of Light. The beam of light will be sent to ground by these starships if you ask and will see once the time approaches, no one will be told to board the ship but shall be done at own Free Will. Earth is a land of Free Will and cannot be intervened without consent. Ask, You Shall Receive! One need to step upon the beam light on ground and shall not carry any luggage everything will be provided in the spaceship, & can bring pets along.