Blog post and photography by Uma Angina.
Most of us might have noticed that many a time’s quality of work at hand is compromised just to reach the quantity of deliverable to the deadline. What if, we just pause for sometime before delivering the work and put these below questions to self.
Am I passionate about the work I do?
Am I detail-oriented?
Do I present work/ideas creatively?
Am I organized person at work?
Am I service-oriented instead eager to finish the task?
Do I work smart instead work hard?
If answer is ‘Yes’ to any of the above 4 questions or more, then I believe one is on their way to success or already stood out in the crowd and in the process gained confidence of the customers. They are ‘The Achievers’. These achievers already start thinking – What’s Next?
For rest who answered ‘Yes’ for 3 or less to above questions, a reality check is needed here. If anyone thinks that they are not enjoying the work they do it’s time to analyze what’s not right or if there’s something need to be re-worked on or re-think their entire area of work.
For others keep doing what work you are passionate about. You may not necessarily need other people to validate your work. Social media is a kind of awesome lot for those who hardly gets distracted from receiving or not receiving the Likes and positive Comments. The work accomplished is the ‘Work Accomplished’! What matter most is how passionate you are towards your work, and how proud your achievements make your well-wishers, close ones and loved ones.
Having said that, a little appreciation from others for the work you did does boost confidence and encourage better performance continuously. On the other hand, social media is a kind of awful lot for those who seriously depend on the validation from others in the form of Likes and Comments. Not receiving likes and positive comments does not make one’s work or accomplishments of any less value. Just remember, the work accomplished is the ‘Work Accomplished’. To be precise, keep doing what you are passionate about!